Energetic Practices to connect more deeply to Life and your Body – Part 1

We are in a time where we are redefining our lives and our connection to all life including our bodies.  Having governance and power over our experience of life in this body is in your hands, and I am outlining some practices that will help with this.   These practices may be simple, quiet & graceful but they are most definitely potent and powerful. The following practices are designed to open you up to deeper levels of connection,  magnetism and connection which are all key ingredients for stepping into your power, and becoming more attractive to life.    We need to learn to manage, focus and direct our energy rather than just waiting for life to happen to us   We must find that state that allows us to come alive.    

These practices are designed to activate your life force so you can energetically draw opportunities you desire to you. The stronger the energy of your life force, the more money, opportunities and experiences you will be attracting. Who you are being as a person will determine the direction, success, power andpopularity of your work. This is all in your hands… but here is the best place to begin.Making yourself into the most powerful, focused and radiant attractor is the most important work you will do. Use and enjoy these practices so you may become your most powerful, vibrant ,magnetic self in the world.  

The first practice is to become multi-sensory.  

Living a multi-sensory life is not what most people do. But you aren’t most people. Multi-sensory means that you use all of your senses intentionally throughout your work and life. Sight, smell (so sensual), hearing, feeling through the heart, touch and taste.  I encourage you to make all experiences multi-sensory. It lubricates passion, brings you more into the NOW moment (keeping you present), inspires you, engages you with life and other people. It allows you to live out your reason for being on the earth and to experience life truly.  And to initiate feeling, you must connect to the senses.  Explore life with your senses, get to know everything via taste, touch, sound and feel – the light and the dark. Give in to it with art, music and beauty. Make each meal, writing or painting session, run, dance, play with kids, dinner party, or work session a multi-sensory experience.It will make life more pleasurable, and you will become addicted to feeling good ,being in flow and feeling more creative and alive. Sensory living is about heightened awareness which is also a vital component to embodying power and allowing yourself to be seen.  

Some practices:

  1. Get into essential oils. They will make a huge difference to your creativity and feeling state.
  • Use Peppermint on the soles of your feet in the morning to get going * 
  • Rub Frankincense into your third eye for clarity.
  • •Put Lemon oil into your water every morning.
  • •If you are feeling a little off, put Ginger oil into your water.
  • Rub Grapefruit oil mixed with coconut oil all over your body to wake yourself up.
  • Use Jasmine or Rose oil on your heart for love
  • Put Lavender on your forehead and pillow for calm.
  • For creativity, diffuse Orange oil.
  • A personal favourite is the Balance blend by doTERRA which is a mix of gorgeous oils that keep you grounded and in the moment, and it smells incredible (this one feels like an extension of me).

2. Work outside in the fresh air and sunlight.

Take your laptop and push your toes into the grass or sand as there is something about natural light and air that infuses your spirit and intuition with creativity and your work, in turn, is better. When I can I will work with people outside in the elements, because I believe that is when we are our most alive, the energy that comes through is powerful because we are connecting to the energy of nature.      

 3.  Don’t wear anything that doesn’t feel good to you, this includes the colours you wear. When you are working and creating you only want to wear clothing that feels good on your skin and to your soul.  Wear orange when you need inspiration, wear green to connect to heart. I never wear black as this traditionally is a colour of depression, invisibility and death. To me it blocks the life force energy flow. Pay attention to the colours you are wearing, they convey a subconscious message about you.  

4.  Play classical music or the sounds of rainfall or ocean waves.Or when you are hyped up in a creative mood play hip hop and run around your place moving to the beat. Music is essential, it taps into another part of your brain

When going about your life, in the small moments, I encourage you to ensure your spaces are infused by the senses, how you feel is transmitted through your mood.  As much of life as possible should be multi sensory.  At home and work this means that the spaces I inhabit smell good with candles lit, and oils adorning me.  I have pieces around me that look beautiful and make me feel good.  I care about the colours I am surrounded with and that things have meaning and the design has a purpose.  I love to use sacred geometry symbols.  I want to be present, feel good and be empowered at all times and that means being multi sensory              

Part 2 is Heart Resonance… coming soon.

2 thoughts on “Energetic Practices to connect more deeply to Life and your Body – Part 1”

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