Awe – (noun) a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
Jason Silva says, “You need to practice paying attention to when you’re at your most inspired”.
Everyone has an activity that brings us “their best self” – follow that, build on that!If we pay attention to our intuition, we can build our lives around these flow states.That’s what all the most celebrated artists and athletes have done.
Find your flow, make your life around it and step into your POWER! The soul becomes present to us in a moment of awe, and when we are awe-deficient, we are at risk of physical and emotional sickness, which can show up as just about anything.Awe is a requirement. Just like water and air.
AI always encourage my clients to do things differently, its important to go to places that takes their breath away in some way. I also suggest you work with others that inspire awe in you, go places that make you feel something, eat food that is different and a bit exciting. Create a life that is filled with awe and awe-inspiring experiences, at least once a day, blow your own mind.
“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”- Henry Miller
Practices to try:
Get out of your environment! This calls for your imagination to kick in. You are not going down the same neural pathways as before; you are forced to build new ones. THIS is creative play. It stokes the creative fires within us. If you haven’t had your daily dose of awe today, treat yourself to something that will feed your soul.“
Get outside. Watch a sunset.
Read a Rumi or Hafiz poem. Explore a new hiking trail. Contemplate a tree. Explore a flower. Watch your child with magical eyes.
“Experience a kiss as you’ve never had one before.” – The Anatomy of a Calling by Dr Lissa Rankin
Watch this for some true inspiration