“I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves.”-
Mary Wollstonecraft
Sexual Energy is Creative energy is life force. It comes from the lower chakras or energy centres, more specifically the sacral chakra.
Your sacral chakra is the energetic home of your creative and sexual energies. It is devoted to your relationships, to people and circumstances, and procreation.It is from this chakra that your energy gets distributed throughout your whole chakra system. All available energy is pumped from the base of your spine all the way up through your subtle energy system to your brain, keeping your brain young, vibrant, and nourished.Your sacral chakra is a very divine and potent place to work through your fears and boundaries, and to manifest your dreams and desires.
Some great practices to try:
Bend down low and circle your hips around and around. Close your eyes and get into a rhythm. This is connecting with your sacral chakra and movingthe energy around. This practice is a really good one for generating life force energy when filming and creating. It brings you back to yourself and energises you from yourfoundation. Get down low to the ground and move to some African drumming music.
Having sex is one of the best things to do to get the energy moving. We are sexual beings, and it’s our natural state to be in union with one another.
Focus on your lower chakras, bring your attention to the area and concentrate.Imagine orange light pouring in from above, swirling and circling around and around in the area just below the navel. Allow it to build up and up and let the light to expand until you feel it radiate out. You’ll feel a warm energy. It’s a soft and feminine feeling in the body. Allow the energy to flow out and fill you.To enhance the above exercise, massage some essential oil into the sacral area, just below the navel. That soft spot below your belly button.
Try sweet orange, wild orange or jasmine essential oils