Energetic Practice Part 3 – Nature

As an energetic being, you are NATURE. So use nature as a foundation of your life.Naturally, start by spending time in your natural environment as much as possible. 

A few practices I encourage my clients to do:Go out into nature, a forest, a park or just find a tree and spend a few minutes just OBSERVING, not DOING anything.

Watch rain fall, watch a bee fly around, watch the wind rustle leaves in the tops of a tree, watch the perfect harmony of nature. Do it without any agenda, just watch it. It stops your mind and takes you into a different state where your mind is still, and you are tapping into your flow state. It’s like being in a ‘nature trance’ 

I surround myself with nature when I am at home too. I use this recording of rainfall to wake up to in the morning, in the background when I am working and to sleep to at night. It’s so beautifully relaxing

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