The art of ritual and celebration is a real common thread that has linked humanity throughout the ages. Ceremonies and rituals motivate and move us, it is through them, we build families and community, we move through important periods in our life, mark significant milestones in our lives, we emotionally express ourselves and most importantly we create our identity. Weddings, funerals, baptisms, graduations–these ceremonies and rituals we have built into our lives. We celebrate good things, mourn endings and those that are no longer here. In ancient times rituals were central to a community. Rituals are deeply relevant today and something our world is craving. We are seeing our world at a turning point in history, and humanity is beginning to understand that we have turned our backs on ourself, others and the planet. The Native Americans say that when we have problems in our life, disease in our body, illness in our mind, it is because we have turned our back on ourselves. We as a world have done this. It is time for us to turn around.
We make meaning of life through ceremony and ritual. They have always been a fascination and a passion of mine–particularly those that are centralised around nature, the moon, relationships and love. I am a Ceremonialist who is dedicated to bringing more of these special events back into to our lives. My offerings are completely unique,

Why hire a ceremonialist ?

Ceremonies are not merely words, they are deeply empowering transcendent experiences Having an experienced ceremonialist who knows how to foster connection, involve the community around us, is able to ‘hold’ everyone present in any ceremony or ritual in an energy that encourages deeper connection, openness and LOVE.    Facilitation is a true and rare skill – to be able to bring presence, to able to craft a sacred ceremony, to intuit and read the energy of each person, also to have devoted time and energy to the study of of the ceremonies and rituals of the past, through many cultures and times – can create a very special experience for you.   All these ceremonies are about our true expression of our emotions, a real soul expression.


The world has long been structured around rituals and ceremony from ancient times to modern day.For many centuries,society had structured rites of passage for young men and women who were transitioning into adulthood where the whole community would come together and perform specific rituals and create experiences to shepherd a young man/woman into adulthood. Some say a true crisis exists in our society now,with our girlhood/boyhood extending on for longer and longer periods of time, once thought to end in our early 20’sit is now being continued on into our 30’sand even 40’s.

It would appear that this has been created by society and some say it’s the fault of a culture that does not respect and honour rites of passage–leaving young men and women adrift and lost, never sure of who they are and when and if they have become a man or woman.
Throughout time cultures have always placed meaning on the idea that without clear markers in life’s journey, young men and women have a difficult time making the transition into all that adulthood requires them to be. They have always been honoured as important rituals. These rituals and ceremonies are all vastly different throughout cultures but the common thread amongst them seems to be some version of a physical and emotional experience, to initiate them–for men its to learn courage, endurance and an ability to control ones emotions, for women its to breed strength, insight, open ones heart and to learn control ones emotions.
We are now seeing a harking back to the old, to things that matter, heart centred living,compassion, inner fortitude, community living and more. These rites of passage prepare us to cope with all that life throws at us, to be loving,powerful and strong members of community, to lead our families and to be the most exceptional version of ourselves.
I offer these sacred rites of passage for young girls transitioning to womanhood. We also do a special rite of passage to women who are to be married, and those to give birth. I work together with initiated men who offer these rites of passage for young men.
Please get in touch for a bespoke rite of passage experience for yourself or your loved one.


Our name is the master of our soul in this life. It is given to us by those who love us, it is given with intention and meaning, and as such is an important part of who we are. It identifies us to our clan and community

Not everyone thse days wants a church baptism where a name is given in front of God. Naming ceremonies are a befitting alternative–a gathering where parents come together with clan and community to celebrate the birth and naming of a child. Quite simply naming ceremonies are ritualistic, spiritual and symbolic celebrations in nature. They are built on ancient folklore and tradition and they are beautiful and important in ones life.

During these ceremonies we gather to celebrate the child and welcome them to the world. They are given a formal name and its here that certain promises and commitments to the child may be given by parents, chosen godparents,and other clan/kin/family.
I create a ceremony that is built on your values and ideas, something that will give your family an opportunity to celebrate naming your child.


A union between two people should be designed by those 2 people to celebrate their unique union.

These sacred ceremonies are full of mysticism and deep spiritual meaning. ,ancient tradition and rituals.

I, together with the 2 people design a beautiful sacred ceremony that can be witnessed by a chosen group or just be between the 2 people involved. It can include handfasting, Hawaiian traditions,Mayan wedding blessings, jewish rituals, orthodox and earth pagan or any other tradition you’d like to include,incorporating nature, elements, symbols, altars, ancient familial traditions,anything really that has meaning
Together we design a meaningful ceremony that fits with your beliefs,intentions and that is steeped in tradition, acknowledges each of your perspectives on the world, and pays respect to the beauty of nature and life,and its powers and the culture


The unimaginable pain of losing a child will not go away if ever. One thing we can try to do is create some meaning around this event.

These deeply personal ceremonies are designed to allow the parents honour the life of their baby and bless their soul and release him/her so they may be free.It is to honour and commemorate the life and to give thanks for this experience. There is always something for us to take away from every experience in life,and this one is no different


We gather and bless  mother and baby before the arrival.  This is usually a ‘sacred women’s gathering’

This is a very special gathering for all those who are important to the mother to be, we will be gathering in circle for storytelling, blessing rituals, altar creation, adornment of the mother and offering special gifts for the birth.

This is a deeply spiritual opportunity to prepare the mother for the arrival of this soul The space that is held, determines what kind of birth you will choose to have, and the personal transformation that is possible through with this ceremony, creating your readiness for the birth you desire.


“What we do at the end of one relationship greatly impacts the next”

The ending of a relationship whether it was a legal marriage, de facto or union, is a significant marker in ones life. It can be sad, misguided and dysfunctional or the opposite. These ceremonies are based on those done in traditional cultures around the world and are used to support the couple end the energetic loop that binds them together in a conscious respectful and honourable way.   In past times this was an opportunity for the community to come together and support the couple to decide if they should stay together or separate.  It was a tribe or clan decision.

This conscious uncoupling provides an opportunity to clearly see the reasons you came together, to understand the lessons, to give thanks and send each other on your way by ending the union in a conscious way. It’s a time to say what needs to be said. This allows you freedom of mind, heart, and a chance not to repeat the same mistakes, and to consciously release each other to the next best thing. These ceremonies are usually between the two people involved with the ceremonialist leading the ritual.
Relationships can be long or short but they come to us for important reasons and it is our responsibility to look at the through this lens, so we can use the to grow our consciousness and get the learnings we are here for and become more evolved versions of ourselves

“Our relationships with other’s are mirrors of our relationship with ourselves”

I use ancient wisdom and ceremony, bringing in all sorts of traditions from around the world–honouring the rituals for the Hawaiian culture, Mayans, Celtic, traditional Anglican, Shamanic, Jewish and so many more.
I am Vanessa, an experienced Ceremonialist. I conduct all forms of ceremony in accordance with ethics and consciousness, and in honour of the participants and the beliefs they hold (and aligned to the goodness of the planet) I have studied and mentored with many global teachers from many areas including spiritual, religious, academic, Taoism, shamanism and so much more. These ceremonies are purely sacred and ceremonial and non legal.